Does your lot in life have you down? Claim your history, own your power, and change your life! In this groundbreaking book, Tracee Dunblazier takes an in-depth look at your karmic relationships! What the heck is karma, though? We hear this word thrown around quite often, usually in a negative context to mean “You’ll get what’s coming to you.” or the like. Now we’re delving into how your relationship to this seemingly nebulous concept can actually affect your life, and we’re saying that getting it together, karma-wise, will actually make life easier? How can you replace bad habits with helpful ones?

  • What confidence is and what it isn’t.
  • How your audience can dramatically improve your relationships with things in their lives such as food, money, family, and culture.
  • How your audience’s relationship to karma plays directly into their romantic relationships and how they can improve everything from the quality of the dates they’re going on to the love and relationships they already have in life.
  • How your audience can gain a sense of honesty with themselves and accept who they are by practicing “radical acceptance”, thus granting them magic-wand-like confidence and swagger.
  • Reveal the behavioral patterns that your audience constantly repeats that are keeping them from obtaining and achieving the goals that they have in life.
  • How your audience can learn the difference between rules and boundaries and how they can use boundaries as tools to maintain independence instead of “going with the flow” and losing themselves in others’ wants and desires.
Tracee Dunblazier

Author Tracee Dunblazier

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