I work as a spiritualist and grief counselor. My job is to assist those who are creating a better life for themselves and who may struggle with mental, emotional, or spiritual trauma. I was born psychic and empathic and grew up feeling as if I needed to hide this special ability of mine. This is a common dynamic in our culture, from which many struggle: a need or desire to hide who they are for fear of judgement—or worse, reprisal.
This variety of trade paperbacks are for anyone (age 16+) who wants to have a deeper understanding of what it means to be spiritual, who may experience anxiety, depression, fear, and other intense emotions. Also, for those who experience paranormal activity or would like to know why others do. These books cover a lot of ground: from spirit guides, and other entities, to past-lives; from mastering intense emotions, including grief, to life-after-death; and karmic relationships in all forms, and on all levels. It’s all here—just waiting for you.
“…Any reader who is in need of assistance of slaying one’s personal demons—or who wishes to help others slay theirs—will find these books invaluable.”
Brad and Sherry Steiger, authors of over 300 metaphysical titles

NEW! December 2022!
Your Crystal Allies: The 12 Best Gems and Minerals for Healing Trauma and Navigating Change, YCAS Book One
Trade Paperback- ISBN: 978-0-9993623-6-5 |List Price: $ 17.95
E-book and Kindle- ISBN: 978-0-9993623-9-6 | List Price: $9.99
Crystals, gems, and minerals make the best companions on your healing journey through trauma recovery and metamorphosis of any form. Sometimes our transitions in life feel like they require more than we have to offer—emotional transformation, hope, focus? Now you can turn to the stone kingdom for the support you need.
It is no secret that crystals offer energetic healing in every dimension, whether the change is occurring on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level—you must adapt. Quartz crystal is formed in a grid of sacred geometric patterns—balanced and stable —it can align with our quantum energy fields.
Your Crystal Allies: The 12 Best Gems and Minerals for Healing Trauma and Navigating Change is the information you need to allow the wisdom and structure of the Quartz based stones to help you emotionally process grief; access guidance from your spirit guides, angels, and the Cosmos; shift your spiritual and karmic imprints; connect with your ancestors; transmute physical patterns and habits—and find peace.
“Your Crystal Allies is a brave offering steeped in deep wisdom and empowerment. Author Tracee Dunblazier invites the reader on a magical and unexpected journey into the insight of the Crystal kingdom. Sharing channeled crystal wisdom, personal stories, and historical context, this book acts as a dynamic healing agent for gentle and positive encounters with new trusted guides and Angels.”
Austyn Wells,
Soul Gardener™ & author of Soul Conversations: A Medium Reveals How to Cultivate Your Intuition, Heal Your Heart, and Connect with the Divine
Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Spiritual Trauma to Open Your Heart and Restore Your Soul, DSHS Volume Three
Winner of the Living Now Silver Medal for books for better living…
Trade Paperback- ISBN: 978-0-9963907-6-7 |List Price: $ 29.95
E-book and Kindle- ISBN: 978-0-9993623-0-3 | List Price: $9.99
Audio Book– ISBN: 978-0-9993623-2-7 | List Price: $19.99
In this ground-breaking book, Tracee Dunblazier take a look at your spiritual imprints and the repetitive patterns that position you in life. Understanding what karma is and learning all the ways to reveal, accept, forgive, and transform your relationships in every dimension. Not only to your soulmate beloved’s and romantic entanglements, but how you relate to food, money, family, culture, religion, sex, death, and your environment. This sure-to-be a best-seller, will help you unearth the very core of what drives you, showing you how to direct its power into usable, life-giving resources for you and all your relations.
“This book is a deeply insightful guide about relationships on multiple levels, in multiple timeframes, and multiple forms. In a sense, this book might be described as a manual for life management—similar to Louise Hays’ classic—”You Can Heal Your Life.”
William A. Guillory, PH.D.
Author of the Pleiadian Series

Heal Your Soul History: Activate the True Power of Your Shadow, DSHS Volume Two
Trade Paperback- ISBN: 978-0-9963907-2-9 |List Price: $ 16.95
E-book and Kindle- ISBN: 978-0-9963907-0-5 | List Price: $9.99
Audiobook- ISBN: 978-0-9993623-7-2 | List Price: $32.95
Winner of four national awards including a Living Now silver medal, NYC Big Book Distinguished Favorite, and two COVR Visionary awards—every page of this bestselling book will take you on a soul excavation and change how you look at your life and the lives of others from now on. Understanding the spiritual imprints of your unique soul and how they’re impacting your life today can help you gain power over the negative forces that hold you back and give you the opportunity to resolve deep-seated life patterns that shape your everyday relationships.
“An inspirational guide to using a soul’s long history to combat present-day negative forces.”
Kirkus Reviews

Master Your Inner World: Embrace Your Power with Joy, DSHS Volume One
Trade Paperback – ISBN: 978-0-9963907-4-3, List Price: $16.95
E-book & Kindle- ISBN: 978-0-9963907-1-2, List Price: $9.99
Audiobook: Coming Soon
Winner of the COVR Visionary Awards’ gold medal in Alternative Sciences and bronze medal in Shamanism categories. Tracee covers many relevant topics such as: spirit guides and other dimensional entities, tools for healing, the spiritual purpose of anger, grief, and depression, and how to transform strong emotions. You’ll receive a new framework for healing from the soul to the body in a way that adjusts your perspective of the underworld and shows you the magnitude of your power in any situation. This book is a game changer for anyone who suffers.
“An encouraging playbook for would-be demon-slayers.”
Kirkus Reviews

Limited Edition Only Available through GoTracee Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9993623-8-9, List Price: $69.95
Do you struggle with the constant changes of the modern world? You’re not alone!
I wrote The Demon Slayer’s Handbook Series to create a broader comprehension of the spiritual dimensions outside the lens of mental illness or religion, and to create an understanding of what trauma looks like on all levels through a new language centered in spirituality.
A six-time, award-winning series, these books are for those who want to gain a multi-dimensional perspective of life, themselves, and others:
- Learn how to experience, calm, and quell intense emotion
- Manifest the life and relationships you want
- Find your path to always having more than enough
- Embrace the journey to restorative healing on all levels: personally, culturally, and for the planet